Bartender guide
The basic understanding of bartending and advices on setting up a small or home bar.
Section A. The Standard
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A.1 Bar Stock
Underlines essential bar ingredients with a listing of our most commonly used.
A.2 Bar Equipment
A listing with descriptions of essential bar equipment.
A.3 Glasses & Containers
Measurements, descriptions and uses of various glassware.
A.4 Basic Techniques
Essential techniques for mixing cocktails.
A.4.1 Measurements
A.4.2 Decoration
Section B. Guideline
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B.1 Terminology
Drinks and phrases you're likely to encounter quickly.
B.2 Essential Recipes
Cocktail recipes you really need to know from the start.
B.2.1 General Rules
B.3 Safety
A few guidelines to remember on safety in a bar.